For Every Pain a Remedy has been Given
The Secret One will show you a secret path no eyes have ever seen
[My last posting, “Does "Rich Men North Of Richmond" Manifest the Radical Center?” has some PS’s added readers might want to see. And since then, David Rovics released a great adaptation of the song.]
Here is another video of Rumi poetry recited by Duncan Mackintosh, recorded by Morris, restored by Kyle J Smith and transcribed by Julia Mulliganiel.
Where he says, some great loving intelligence has cast a veil over hearing and sight
Some great loving intelligence has cast a veil over hearing and sight
A little news slips through
But only what the friend allows
But only what the friend — the Big Friend — allows
To the eye is given sometimes a glimpse of vast beauties, a taste of perfection, a tease of amorous glances
No more
To the ear given sometimes strains of perfect music, glad tidings, a cry of rapture
But only enough to leave the heart impossibly lonely
But only enough to leave the heart impossibly lonely
For every pain a remedy has been given, said the prophet
But no cure for this ache
But no cure for this ache
Until God opens wide your window
You that seek healing of this fine sorrow
Set your eyes outside the walls of the world
As one about to die turns in a new direction
You that seek healing of this fine sorrow
Set your eyes outside the walls of the world
As one about to die turns in a new direction
Be truthful now, be truthful now, you have a hidden wound
See yourself as you plainly are, you have a hidden wound
And this is no time for posing
When inward tenderness — and this is the secret — when inward tenderness finds that secret hurt
The rock will crack and
Ah — let the soul emerge
At some point we begin to miss the presence of something we never knew existed
And great sorrow wells up from beneath the numbness of the heart
Oh God my God! Oh God my God! What shall I do?
And if every way is closed before you, and if every way seems closed before you
The Secret One will show you a secret path no eyes have ever seen
Every midwife knows
That not until the mother’s womb softens with the pain of labor will a way unfold
And the infant find that opening to be born
Oh friend, oh friend, there is a treasure in your heart, it is heavy with child
There is a treasure in your heart, it is heavy with child
Listen, all the awakened ones, like trusted midwives, are saying to you
Welcome this pain, welcome this pain
It opens the dark passageway of grace
and already there's a cover