The Silencing After 9/11 -- and Now
O'Reilly cuts mic. A chat with Cindy Sheehan about crises and elections. Oslo at 30.
Just after 9/11, on Sept. 13, 2001, I appeared with Francis Boyle on the O’Reilly Factor, both of us arguing in different ways against the illegal, aggressive response the US government and media clearly had in mind. Video and partial transcript below. Bill O'Reilly cut my mic, something that I and many others can relate to now with more subtle forms of censorship being employed by Big Tech. At least back in the day, the silencing was somewhat more overt. For those not familiar, I covered the hollowness — arguably illegality — of the “freedom of speech, not freedom of reach” regime last year, as it abrogates the Freedom to Hear, which is so important but, ironically, rarely articulated. It was critical after 9/11. With the pandemic. Now.