When I was a teen, one day I realized I’d lost my wallet.
I don’t remember where or how.
But I lost it.
I was upset.
I hate dealing with administrative stuff and the prospect of getting a new bus pass, new library cards, a new Social Security card and Lord knows what else filled me with dread.
So I looked high and low to try to find my wallet.
I think my dad told me to re-trace my steps.
Like I didn’t already think of that.
So I finally did that.
Still no luck.
And then I got a note in the mail. It was a slip telling me to pick up a package at the Post Office.
What a bother!
I don’t want a damn package.
I want my fricken wallet.
I kept looking over and over for my wallet.
I looked in places I’d already looked.
Maybe it would suddenly materialize if I looked in the same place from a slightly different angle perhaps I thought.
Still no wallet.
Well, a walk to the Post Office couldn’t do me any harm I eventually thought.
So, I finally went to pick up this mysterious package.
It would be good to clear my head from trying to find my wallet.
Of course, the “package” was my sought after wallet.
Someone had apparently found it and put it in a mailbox.
And some postal worker had apparently found my address in the wallet and sent me a note.
Bless them both.
That’s the two mystery theory.
You think you’re searching for one thing, but something else that seems like a problem is actually the solution to what you’ve been looking for.
The two mystery theory.
Dig it. Thanks for sharing.
Lovely... thank you Sam.