1 Comment
Jul 27Edited

Again, what about the UNSC controlling its own process by calling obstructionist vetoes/abstentions nonconforming - and overriding them with a simple majority? This lack of response is bizarre and illogical - there's a precedent needs setting or re-setting to follow agreed on rules of play (i.e., UN charter) or forfeit participation. Necessary exceptions (with appropriate factual justification) are not uncommon. And this is a life and death - mostly death! - critical emergency.

The ICJ came through with the occupation ruling, that International Human Rights Lawyer Kristen Zornada suggests is more about required compliance than enforcement, after 11.00 here, https://www.youtube.com/live/hnV8W0VLIbA?feature=shared She offers several novel observations.

Signatories are required to comply with the UN charter and the ICJ ruling by their own voluntary commitments. They don't get to pick and choose or gum up the works except when their peers ALLOW it. Sloppy and dangerous. It's not past time to tighten the reins?

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