>> 9/11 — unless you think it was a complete inside job — was a murderous attack on the Empire and the citizens of the Empire.

Sam, we have to talk. Soon. Of course 9/11 was a complete inside job. It was the excuse that the Empire needed to bring its "shock and awe" into the Middle East, take over the Empire that the Persians had lost to the Ottomans had lost to the British, to extract the oil and subjugate the people. Whether or not Mossad was deeply complicit, it was undeniably a windfall for Zionist expansion.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding. I'm rereading your brief post and it's not clear to me where West's voice ends and your voice begins. Maybe you could clarify...

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Thanks Josh. I wasn't intending to weigh in on 9/11 per se. West takes for granted that 9/11 was done by Islamists. I was simply taking issue with his used of "niggerization".

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i thought he was saying americans equally have been denigrated. I think that would be accurate. the corporatocracy does not care about our skin color. Additionally, we're all pretty much equally powerless (it feels) to stop this war machine. I think, if white America had any feeling of exceptionalism, it was likely gone after 9/11. Tons of people thought the story bogus, it didn't matter. How many countries have we invaded since then? We are powerless (again seemingly) to it- maybe that feeling of denigration among white america is more specific to certain generations? but i think he had a point.

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I think what you're saying has merit, but I don't think that's what West is saying. I believe he's talking about USians feeling "unsafe, unprotected, subject to random violence and hated" -- at the hands of Islamists. He claims "They never been unsafe" till 9/11.

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in his speech he says "you become so scared you defer to the powers that be and you're willing to consent to your own domination" (applies to covid too). When i first saw this speech my gut told me he was speaking, covertly? maybe tongue in cheek? (not the best term). i have seen before where he balanced the line between the official story yet gave room for the 'truthers'. I think, at the time he gave the speech and even now, 9/11 truth is a difficult thought to express in mainstream news (that shouldn't excuse not saying the truth). Good pointing it out though, and yes, if your take is correct, and it does have legs, it is absurd to think that a 9/11 perpetuated by Islamic terrorists would instill that kind of fear, denigration in americans. Maybe he can clarify this older speech now- I like to think he was talking about the denigration caused by our own government in its response. Here's a newsmax article deriding West for giving voice to those who don't believe the narrative. https://www.newsmax.com/emerson/cornel-west-911-conspiracy/2013/09/13/id/525645/

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