Thanks for doing this. Going forward, please mention Pacifica when you get on the air. It is a precious and unique network that preceded NPR and is the only one that remains entirely listener-sponsored, and thus entirely free of political interference. Far too few people know about it. Thank you.

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Thank you Sam. The hearings are designed to deflect attention away from getting to the underpinnings of who funds this truly insidious this gain-of-function research and why they're funding it. Like the Pentagon funded biolabs in Ukraine that are now scattered throughout Eastern Europe and Central Asia, there's likely a truly dark side to all of this. The Uniparty congressional hearings will do their best to keep this information hidden.

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Limiited hangout for sure!

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Kudos to Senator Rand Paul for pursuing a criminal indictment against Anthony Fauci for knowingly lying to Congress!


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Hi Sam: scrolled back to find a post on COVID lab work from you so I could make sure you saw this story (have you written about it? The source loooks iffy, but...): https://californiaglobe.com/articles/mysterious-chinese-covid-lab-uncovered-in-city-of-reedly-ca/amp/

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Good focus on the limited scope of the Republican members of the committee. (even though they were more on target than the Democratic members who just criticized the Republicans for "making them" be there)

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Thank you for your research. I would also like to see hearings on the economic impact of the shutdowns, both partial and full.

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Thank you for this excellent reporting. Farrah is tied to the HCQ study in UK where they overdosed the subjects resulting in death or should I say murder. His role as chief scientist for WHO means he, and he alone can determine if there is a pandemic with no requirement for evidence.

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A clear and disturbing summary. Thank you, Sam. If Democrats want to embarrass Republicans or Republicans want to embarrass Democrats, we might learn something from Congressional hearings. But if they are both conspiring to cover up the truth, the hearings are worthless.

Is anyone in touch with Ron Johnson?

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Let me try again...it allowed the retweet this time.

Often, I get no notifications for days on end.

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Sam, I attempted to retweet your tweet and on this article and Twitter simply wouldn't let it happen.

Thank you for the above links and your continued research.

These are nefarious times and the corruption is beyond my imagination.

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Thanks Jana. Can you try to get a screenshot or video recording of what happens when you try? What's your twitter handle?

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