Craig Murray is a treasure!

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Thank you for sharing this!

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Thanks so much for sharing this precious analysis. I was analyzing the ruling finding it positive, hopefull, but this by Craig Murray is so detailed, reading what it is between the lines and so crucially important. "The wheels of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small." Pray for that.

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Thanks so much for calling attention to this, Sam. Ambassador Murray's insightful analysis brings to mine a favorite quotation: "Civil government is founded on justice, even as true religion is founded on mercy."

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Consortium News: "CN Live! — ICJ Rules on Israel: Craig Murrray, Alexander Mercouris, Ray McGovern and Francis Boyle discuss the meaning of the World Court’s ruling on Israel." https://consortiumnews.com/2024/01/27/watch-cn-live-icj-rules-on-israel/

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THANK YOU! and heartfelt thanks to Craig Murry for that masterful explanation/interpretation

of international law, and specifically the strength of the case which South Africa brought. It is

no small relief to finally read/hear/see very rational response legally to the barbaric savage ruthless

vicious slaughter and its resulting suffering being levied on the People of Gaza....I hope and pray that they are STOPPED.

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