Sam, thank you for the legal interpretation of First Amendment protections. I wonder if government entanglement with a private entity (in this case Columbia University) also ensues from grant support, in which case there are more strands to the web. Since many Jews disagree with Israel's actions including lay people, Orthodox rabbis, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and organizations such as Jewish Voices for Peace, the charge of antisemitism absurdly seeks to tar them as well. Israel doesn't speak for all Jews (even in Israel) and I think the actions of those in government to imply being against Israel's policies is a priori antisemitic is as absurd as those of us who were protesting the Vietnam War in our student days (yes, I'm that old) were anti-American. By the way, both Christian Zionist congressman Rick Allen of Georgia and House Speaker Mike Johnson invoked the biblical commandment that since God supports Israel so must they.

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Yes, thought of that, great point. Will mention if I write a followup.

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It's not just the younger generation. I'm from back in the day, as well.

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Yes, there are still a number of us fighting the good fight. Thanks!

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You made me curious about government funds to Columbia. Not to mention Columbia's government related investments . . . ?


This money management arm is news to me but I don't see a list of investments other than 'not in Russia'


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This is fascinating and thank you so much for looking into this. Although the grant money statistics date from 2015 (with Columbia U. 7th on the list), I think the financial page website must date more recently given their making it abundantly clear they don't invest in Russia. John Hopkins was a favorite go to website for initial news regarding Covid. It was also hosted the Gates pandemic planning conference just a few months prior to the outbreak. The fact that it received more than twice as much as the 2nd place University of Washington (another Gates favorite) is very curious indeed.

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Sorry, I only skimmed. Aren't the associations mind blowing. And the more I look the more I see.

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Apr 26Edited

I'm reading (books)/watching (youtube) Glenn Diesen on propaganda - and applying his insights to political and media presentations. Interesting the techniques that can be identified. Diesen suggests exposing and labeling are excellent defusers.

And aren't there just countless opportunities for skill building.

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Thank you again for suggesting Glenn Diesen. I've seen some of his Youtube presentations especially with Alexander Mercouris. Do you have a channel?

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Yes, https://www.youtube.com/@GDiesen1

Online and youtube-specific searches usually turn things up if I'm patient. It's sometimes a trick to find the right key words.

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Palestine Legal is representing Columbia students who are suing the university administration. We can support them. https://palestinelegal.org/donate

I hope you don't mind my making this suggestion here on your site.

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You are on it, all the time, Sam. Thank you.

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Arabs are a Semitic people speaking a Semitic tongue.

Cf my article “Land of the Free? Home of the Brave? at Hausfrauleaks on Substack

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