Sam, thank you! I immediately went hunting mainstream headlines. The Washington Post speaks volumes with its ' “unlawful presence” ' scare quotes. 'Israel’s rule over the lands it captured 57 years ago' - WHAT? And this 'nonbinding' business needs countering with OBLIGATION TO COMPLY. No mention of Palestinian right of self-determination violated since 1917 - this reference to the 1967 war seems journalistic malpractice. However. The source, 'AP writer Julia Frankel contributed from Jerusalem.'


Sam, please keep us updated with facts the mainstream goes out of its way to obscure and deny.

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Thank you for this, and all you do.

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What a coincidence, the Trump-Biden/Harris debate the first night of the UN General Assembly meeting. Jill Stein plans to respond.


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Thank you for this information. The State of Israel itself needs a true “international community” -- one that does away once and for all endlessly invoked pretense of one -- that will rise to “break and dissolve” the ill conceived “State of Israel” and usher in the rightfully free and independent indigenous and democratic state of Palestine. Nothing else will do.

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Sam can you share when specifically this resolution against Israel will be discussed and how best to observe for ourselves? I found no reference in a 12 July 24 17 page draft UNGA agenda of mostly regurgitated critical/well intentioned but desensitized by discussion issues with minimal progress or (heaven forbid) results/maximum delays and obstacles.


Regarding nuclear, recommending you not see this at night, best ad yet for Jill Stein for (lawful) President. Friday, 6 September 24. "New U.S. Nuclear War Doctrine: Reason for the World to Worry — International Peace Coalition #66"


Except apparently Dr. Postol has been sharing the same slides since at least 2017, "How US nuclear force modernization is undermining strategic stability: The burst-height compensating super-fuze"


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Thank you for this and for everything you are doing for Palestine. Even if the PA is dissolved, it doesn't change the facts on the ground. The land considered to be the Occupied Territories have only been expanded by Israel's illegal actions since 1967. The question is, how does this resolution get enforced? Can "Uniting for Peace" finally bypass the Security Council?

Frankly, I don't see how Israel can continue to exist after all of this. Many of the residents who fled Israel during the current genocide won't be coming back, since the people who are left are the True Believers in Zionism and they are becoming increasingly unhinged as this drags on. What's to return to?

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