Meeting setup to discuss strategy with JVP on January 14. Not sure how many members are interested in helping. I'm hopeful that other chapters will help. Meanwhile, I will begin sending emails and creating a list of countries that are favorable to invoking the genocide convention and target them first. Thanks, Sam, for all the work you have done to educate and promote this extremely important project.

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Done, sir, thank you!

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Love this! I am going to approach my local JVP chapter and see if we can't get a letter campaign organized. We have all the tools, simply need the will. Thanks Sam! I'm feeling empowered.

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I'm wondering about who is involved in US-based (or international-based) pro-Palestinian media strategy. As the former publisher of a politically progressive magazine, The Reader, which reached several hundred thousand Californians, I would like to connect and do whatever I can to help.

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This is an excellent database-- thank you Sam. Thanks for everything you're doing and your leadership in this important work. For those of you who are interested in helping through reaching the media to bring attention to this effort, reach out to me at chris@christheodore.us and I can provide access to a substantial media contact list.

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Thank you, Sam Husseini, for compiling here on one page all of these resources.

This is the way.

'A land without people for a people without a land' was false and racists. Zionists have violently stolen property and pushed residents of Palestine territory away from their homes for a century. What Palestinians want is all their homes back, they even still have the front door keys. Instead, they have been forced in progressively impossible space, and the violence and violation of October 7 has been overshadowed by the death shroud that was Gaza.

All people who are just and regard each other as equals, who use reason and consent for relationships, live in the refuge of peace and security. It is obvious that what is occurring now in Gaza is unjust beyond measure, and the charge of genocide is now our duty to process. Peace and security must prevail if we are all to work together to address our common problems, and those problems demand our attention at the cost of all life's survival.

Therefore I urge your country, ....

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Done. Brilliant organizing. I just emailed almost all the countries listed on the Justice4Gaza site, with an abbreviated version of your suggested letter. The whole thing took less than 45 minutes. Thank you for making this so easy. Expect thousands to take you up on this.

Here is my letter:

The people of the world must unite to STOP THE GENOCIDE IN GAZA.

I urge your country, as party to the Genocide Convention, to immediately file a Declaration of Intervention with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in support of the South African case against Israel for the crime of genocide.

You know this. Please act in behalf of all humanity to stop this killing.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Haruhuani Spruce. M.D.

Truth or Consequences, New Mexico


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Ryan Grim reported that both Malaysia and Turkey have backed up S. Africa. Is that correct?

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It is my understanding that at this point, they have just made public statements of support. What people are asking for is legal Declarations of Intervention.

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