American imperialism/militarism poses the most imminent threat to Americans and everyone else. Apart from RFK's, there is no possibly viable Presidential candidacy that features dismantling the CIA, rooting out the neo-cons, slashing the so-called defense budget, winding down the empire. RFK is risking his life on behalf of this urgent mission to undo the war machine. And there is no one else we can count on to undo Big Pharma's stranglehold and to overhaul public health. Compared to these causes, advancing accountability for pandemic criminality is a side-show. I do most definitely regret RFK's stance on Israel. But I trust he is educable and I trust his moral core.

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The really sorry part of the RFK "campaign" is that he knew from the start that winning is not possible. After the Sanders experiences in 2016 and 2020, we know there is zero chance for any slight deviation from the neocon mainstream. The DNC admitted in post-2016 litigation that the popular vote is meaningless to the nomination process.

RFK has a real chance to appeal to the hundreds of millions of vaccine injured and families of the deceased, those locked out by VAX mandates and people fighting censorship. He could provide a real voice for them, an an organizing boost. The racial divide around injection acceptance creates great opportunities for a multiracial movement. Then there are also the economic hardships working people endure under the oligarchy and banksters and an unequivocal antiwar stance. He is not taking up these fights and instead behaving like the sheepdog candidate he is.

Cornell West is great on some issues, but is one with the Green Party Covid narrative, which is even worse than most democrats' positions. These people accept the lies about covid injections, biosurveillance, quarantine and all the rest. His campaign is dead in the water, and not only because the Greens are completely irrelevant.

Rather than build a movement, RFK lies about Israel and Zionism. He creates non-issues like ethnic bioweapons and the like. He shies away from the brutal censorship fight. He is avoiding the issues that matter so as not to further alienate his Democrat friends, who'd prefer his demise.

Voting in 2024, as in most elections, is a way to deflect us from real events. RFK and West are playing their roles.

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Did I miss it? Or did you yet write about RFKJr's likely sheepdogging in this consequential procedure: https://twitter.com/Kelleyswords/status/1687439305776443392?t=EXApfzsTkDRpcY_yS0S1eA&s=19

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Kennedy didn't have to run as a Democrat. Sanders did even though he's technically not in the Party (he's a socialist) but since he's a senator and voted with the Democrats most of the time and importantly, he signed the right paperwork promising to support the party's nominee, he was given a 'sheepdog' pass. RFK had less of a reason to cast his candidacy as a Democrat. His rationale seemed to be more of an historical affiliation than an ideological one. For that reason and others, I unfortunately agree with Beck.

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Yes, I thought RFK Jr. might be a viable option until he made it clear Palestinians mean nothing to him.

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See my article on Substack: “ Kennedy Runs fir President: He Can’t Because of His Cant”. References Sam’s earlier piece

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