So Hollywood turned the story into one of safety to take the heat of the CIA. Figures.

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I think there is a safety aspect but it would seem so.

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Fascinating Sam. Thank you so much for letting us know.

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Robert Kennedy said during his campaign for president that if elected he would release all of the files on the assassination of his brother. Obviously certain people didn't want the files released and made sure that RFK would never be president.

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He may not be elected, but now he is elected-adjacent.

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Jr. She's talking Sr.

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Good to read about Karen Silkwood. She’s been forgotten. Had no idea that the Zios were involved

Met Danny Sheehan once in NYC. He gave me an autographed copy of one of his books

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An aside, Oklahoma City has a street leading to the heart of the downtown called, guess what? Kerr-McGee Blvd

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I listened to RFK, Jr. on Tucker Carlson today and didn't find him believable about his uncle's assassination and adamantly trying to blame the Cubans of Florida. I believe RFK, Jr is throwing both his uncle and his father under the bus in support of Israel like McNamara and LBJ did to the service men of the USS Liberty. If we had the truth, the truth would definitely set us free of Zionists and Israel. He even promoted a book on the subject, but the better book is Michael Piper Collin's Final Judgement which the ADL did their damndest to squash.

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So it's déjà vu all over again? Kerr-McGee is another NUMEC? NUMEC was the Israeli intelligence connected firm in Apollo, Pennsylvania from which Israel stole over 300 kilograms of highly enriched uranium for its nuclear bombs, starting in the 1950s. See "Divert!: NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro and the Diversion of US Weapons Grade Uranium Into the Israeli Nuclear Weapons Program," by Grant Smith.

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Sam, you are on the right track. JFK also wanted to get of the Federal Reserve Bank and actually minted some $5 bills which of course you cannot find, except in unmentionable private collections. And since war is so damn profitable for the few, he also wanted peace. Oh, the bad guys are deep and to the core of the mess the world is in.

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I lived in OK for three years. This is awful, but I roommates with one of those Oklahomans hard to love, who said she hid plutonium up her vagina. Some people are unimaginably stupid.

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I appreciate your turning the focus on the unasked question of how, exactly, did the Israelis get the nuclear material to make their bombs, or perhaps they got actual, already manufactured ones, instead, or in addition to? When one starts looking carefullu at those areas that are always skipped past, oh, my, the sights one can see! Thanks for this reporting.

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Yes!! Here is another piece of the puzzle: @_WhitneyWebb has alerted me to these CBDC’s that we need to resist by informing ourselves and speaking out about the way to have been weaponized by the Big Globalist Central Banking monopoly to eventually drive us into the kind of hyperinflation that brought on the third Reich! This really is the Fourth Reich that can only be stopped by people organizing against the invisible corporate Zionist Israeli City of London banking monopoly.


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I want to say something about your connection there, between JFK and RFK. You might include 9/11 as a planned pretext, another "Pearl Harbor" to convince Americans war is justified in East Asia because it contains all the "terrorists". In a book called The Fate of Abraham, the author points out an Oxford dictionary of the definition of "terrorism" and it begins with the state and not the people. Most people are of course not taught the real history of this country or any other western imperial colonialist nation. Those who control the narrative are plotters for their own gain and not the people. The term "terrorist" should be applied to USA, and even the worst "terrorist" in the world, but it should be applied to Britain and France and Belgium (Heart of Darkness by Conrad) because they are no different than Hitler when it comes to genocide, which some believed he was framed for. See this revisionist history of the genocide of Jews. And watch with more provable facts that Hitler was man of the year on the front page of Time Magazine and JFK said in his journals that one day Hitler would be seen differently. JFK, a learned student of his and a man of the people, knew things.

ADOLF HITLER: GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD https://archive.org/details/adolfhitlerthegreateststorynevertoldfull6hoursdocumentary_201909

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Have you seen this? Watch soon. Richard Wolff's talk at the Boston church has disappeared from the YouTube and was only a few days ago. I got a warning from YouTube that I might be censored for posting a revisionist history of Hitler. All things should be considered.



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It does all seem so linked when you look at this video documentary on the assassinations and Silkwood's demise. Yeah, Lyndon Johnson was a traitor to the USA concerning the USS Liberty. Get educated quick because the fight for truth is on.



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