The HInd Rajab Foundation has filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


I think they might could use our help. Read the article and join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg

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The low intensity genocide of the last 77 years in the illegal occupation of Palestine accelerates on the settler colonial tropes of bible, bullets, and beef to colonize water and land.

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The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. He could even go to the West Bank, Beirut, or even Teheran, and say, “Not in our name, not on our watch.”

Please sign the petition and share widely.


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Thank you for this clear recitation of a ghastly historical record and cultural tradition. I wonder what the Palestinian history is in relation to this. In terms of their cultural beliefs and techniques for survival.

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I would guess that the Palestinians, like most colonized people, don't have a longstanding traditional history of fighting colonialism before it happens to them. Subsequently, the ongoing focus of almost all their literature and history is directed to that issue, deriving sustenance from it, in order to survive. But perhaps I have misunderstood your question.

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