One of the issues with Raskin is the alleged study on fascism that he conducted at the request of Nancy Pelosi. His unfortunate conclusion is that to avoid fascism, the left must move closer to the right. What this idea means in practice is what we are seeing: Black and brown people will be told to vote blue no matter who and continue to be thrown under the bus. At this point there is literally no hope of Blacks ever reaching economic parity with whites. If right wing policies become left wing policies, we seal our fate - which is to live in a society that continues to exploit us and force us to vote for our oppressors. And what does a two state solution look like now? While all eyes are on Rafah, the Israelis are bombing the West Bank and supporting the settlers on the illegal settlements at military operations near Nablus and in other areas - where there's no Hamas. Gimme a break. This guy is totally full of it and frankly a danger to us all.

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What a deluded joke of a human- “the Biden administration is honestly and aggressively working for a ceasefire and for a return of the hostages” - trying to call out the delusion of the former guy.

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Nothing new for the Jew. See my analysis of Maryland & Virginia congressional delegations, both owned by the Apartheid Entity.


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Thank you for this. Raskin is the prototypical liberal, who loves to show his anguish before "reluctantly" voting in support for the very worst Congressional actions that give him such pain. This "civil libertarian" could not support a warrant requirement for spying on Americans, in effect casting the deciding vote with Rep. Mike Johnson. This is only one of his most reccent offenses. The helpful thing about Raskin is watching who supports him -- the likes of Amy Goodman, the Nation crowd, Hillary Clinton et al. Anyone who supports this monster exposes themselves as similarly useless war mongering hypocrites.

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