ZioBeasts will do as they please because Jews are their psychopathic God’s “ Chosen People “. And because they have bought every branch of every level of government in the United States and Europe

It’s past time to trat them as they deserve—as hostes humanitarian generis.

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To add to that, why do we fool ourselves. Since when have they cared about the law?

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What to do when the legislative branch, the lawmaker, ignores the laws it makes; the executive branch, charged with carrying out the law, shirks its duty; and the judicial branch uses its buck-passing ploys--"cases and controversies," standing, "political question," ripeness, and the aptly-named "Constitutional Avoidance Doctrine"--to evade calling them to account, all in the interest of serving a foreign power? A chicken-shit Supreme Court, a whore Congress, and a treasonous President.

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" was the motto of our original revolutionaries, and they passed the Second Amendment to back it up. But even our tough-talking Second Amendment dudes are powerless now when the tyranny consists of mind control nestled in physical comfort, while God knows where God is as we wantonly kill for the conquerors of the "Holy Land."

Exposure of the war crimes by electronic media seems our last resort, but even that has proved ineffective so far. Over and over the criminals boldly announce their next onslaught and then mock us with videos celebrating the killing and destruction they wrought.

Israel is a crime in progress and we are henchmen. We let them kill our president and get away with it to make their atom bomb. They destroyed the Trade Center and dropped its topless towers to trick us into fighting wars for their expansion. It will take the people and the nations of the world to stop them because they are indeed the enemy of all mankind.

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They won't admit it because they want Palestinians dead, Arabs dead, and all dissenters dead. What other reasoning can one conclude? There's a psychopathological desire to control resources and people; ergo the war with Russia and West Asia.

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I think mostly these are Zionists NOT the majority of Israelis.

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I am well aware of the majority in Israel. There's been polls done. You might look them up. Most Israelis support the rampage of murder on the Palestinians for good reason to them. Israel really does not belong in a mostly Arab continent which was the Ottoman Empire before the West made as mess of it. It was a mixed bag of tolerate religions, cultures that actually welcomed and supported Jews before the Balfour agreement. Avi says creating the state of Israel hurt Jews more than supported them. Watch interview from The Thinking Muslim with historian Avi Shlaim, who also wrote a book (books are what non thinking people do not read): Three Worlds:Memoirs of an Arab-Jew. You might learn things you never knew. In his book and in his interview he agrees with you: Zionism is the problem.

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BTW, Jenny, you will learn thru the interview and the book, about Zionists blowing up synagogues and other false flags events events in Iraq going back to the 40s to stoke anti-Semitism among both Arabs and Jews to get Jews to move to Israel for safety, and also learn how they were treated by the Zionists once they got there. Go for it Jenny. Educate yourself more.

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Paula. I know all of this I had a good education.

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I will send my Congresscritters a similarly "strongly worded" email, just so they know where I stand, FWIW. Nothing, I know, but it's important for them to have to acknowledge the political pressure.

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We are given smoke and mirrors always when it comes to Zionism. Zionists attacked USS Liberty and killed many US military onboard, but failed to sink it, while USA, under Johnson, did its damnedest to cover it up. Talk about giving permission to a country to kill US citizens!! So, here we are with our government giving billions to Israel and Ukraine but little or nothing to the US citizens suffering the aftermath of TWO hurricanes. If you have a brain left after the vaccines, surely this on the ground scenario tells you SOMETHING, and I don't care what it tells you but please think, which public schools have not taught you to do, about it. (you may not understand the commas in this long sentence. I encourage you to remove them). So sorry to offend anyone, but as an English teacher, it was one of the things I noted about my students inability to understand their own language.

I personally believe in a US president who did not want Israel to. have nuclear weapons, one of many other reasons why he was murdered. Israel, in my humble opinion, is the country most likely to use them and he knew it. He knew their fanaticism and he did not trust such

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