Excuse me for being a 'fly in the ointment' but the ICJ and World Court was set up as a Court which fulfilled the right of western (white people) against the rest of the world who are predominently brown.

The ICJ and World Court are defunct for allowing this genocide of the Palestinian people.

I have ABSOLUTELY NO interest in this SHAM court instituted by the USA/UK

IF you really care about equality stop supporting this EVIL institution.

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Jul 19Liked by Sam Husseini

I get your sentiment but I think that's a bit of an extreme opinion. There's undoubtedly significant Western influence on the court but I think it's actually proven to be relatively impartial, especially considering the immense pressure imposed on it. They've now ruled in favor of the SA genocide case and ruled Israel an apartheid state.

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EXTREME OPINION. Thousands of people have died/baby body parts strewn across the rubble/women looking for their buried kids in a cemetery destroyed by the brutal assassins of Israel. NO water/no food/no help and you in your fucking armchairs in front of the TEEVee allowed this to happen.

YOUR guns/ammunition are killing people all over the fucking world in the name of DEMONACRCY.

IF this was happening to you America how would YOU feel?

You have escaped wars because of your situation in the world.

I hope that you do not believe in GOD.

I am so sick of hearing WHITE opinions when nothing happens to you!

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I share your rage. I'm only pointing out that the ICJ has surprisingly been the one international body to act. Again, they have implemented provisional measures in favor of SA, then they outright ruled that Israel must cease its offensive, and not they've ruled the entire occupation illegal and ordered an immediate withdrawal. The problem is they have no enforcement mechanism.

And don't make assumptions about people's backgrounds on the internet. I'm Palestinian.

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Jack Z and JennyStokes, check me on this, the ICJ ruling is on the occupation not the genocide. Two birds with one stone, it stops the genocide too and on firm legal ground.

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Completely agree.

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Yes but WHO is going to enforce this law?

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The Security Council. They need to override any veto or obstruction to the charter peace mandate + the ICJ ruling for Israel to vacate. Plenty of evidence to document apparently illegal obstructions of plenty of related resolutions. Plenty of justification to override (that wouldn't set precedent for frivolous future actions) in this unique emergency. Ruling bodies do it all the time, document exceptions that strengthen their purpose, not kick the stool out from under it. From my seat, this smacks of refusal of even strong SC members to confront a bully. In this body, unacceptable. That's where the public comes in - against the UN Security Council for not doing its job. In tandem with the General Assembly Uniting for Peace - how quickly can that be done though? Time is of the essence.

And what else? This ICJ ruling must not wither. (all this imo but any sports fan should snap to the audience ire against bad players, bad refs; name them shame them bar them until behavior conforms - & has progressive discipline disappeared from government?)

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Jul 19Liked by Sam Husseini

I agree with Jack Z. Here the ICJ set politics aside and got the answer right. Now it's the UNSC and GA responsibility to execute losing no time. The USA can set a powerful example, has it stopped weapons and money yet? Are people writing congressmen?

It's the ISSUE. NOT identity - the WHAT not the WHO. The WHO can change depending on the WHAT. Then carrot and stick, the applied strength of public opinion. With meaningful felt consequences.

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THE USA is DEFUNCT as many English and Europeans are.

NOT many people in the world TRUST the western mindset.

YOU are finished.

YOU absolutely know............NOT one country in the West has paid attention to the people in the street/calling to stop the GENOCIDE!

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We ARE the people in the streets. Please support our demand for life and peaceful coexistence.

Especially in the US with propaganda flying, PEACE is not POPULAR. It's HARD to be for peace, ceasefire, diplomacy.

Hats off to Sam H and his peers for sticking with it. In that glaring gaze of the public eye.

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Yes. Keep going Sam.

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Thank you Sam for persisting in the face of so much resistance, denial, cynicism, rage and frustration.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

The UNSC should take the reins and do their job to execute the ICJ opinion. Any veto or other SC or GA act that subverts execution of the ICJ opinion should be overridden with detailed justification documenting this extraordinary case, a rare exception.

PROCESS (e.g., veto) MUST NOT NEGATE THE RULE/PURPOSE IT WAS CREATED TO FULFILL/EXECUTE. The priority purpose is lifesaving Israeli departure from and humanitarian aid to Palestine.

Compliance is required by all. Consequences for noncompliance. Time is of the essence.

As Dr. Wilde said, IMMEDIATELY..

Of course, IMO but really, common sense.

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


From CodePink:

Tell the U.S. to arrest Netanyahu for his crimes against humanity! And tell

Congress to boycott his



Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023

Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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It’s time for the IOC to ban Israel from the Paris Olympics. Unless the entrants can show they are not settlers or have they participated in the illegal occupation. Let them know how you feel. https://oscttnet.olympics.com/en-us/request-form-create/

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The UN & others in the West talk & talk about the ZioNazis but never do anything

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Sam, thanks for the concise list (I was about to say 'bullets'). This is a big step for the USA: LEGAL OBLIGATIONS. Backed into no choice but a Peace President?

Or will American voters be complicit in international crimes by voting for any candidate who favors Israel and Nato aggression?'

". . . all States are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by the continued presence of the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. . ."

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UNGA Veto Initiative Jan 2024 mtg re Gaza veto by USA. Includes video


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UNGA Veto Initiative Jan 2024 mtg re Gaza veto by USA. Includes video


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Just discovered this - has it happened re recent US vetoes? Or what plans?

General Assembly Adopts Landmark Resolution Aimed at Holding Five Permanent Security Council Members Accountable for Use of Veto


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Next stop for a non-compliant Israel: expulsion from the United Nations. Then a boycott, embargo, sanctions and no-fly zone.

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A stunning, galvanizing decision.

Cue the Israeli smear campaign against the court's president, Nawaf Salam, which began with his Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nawaf_Salam. See paragraph five.

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