I think your idea has potential for many who have contacts with whom they can pair up. I realized that for others, such as myself, who may not have any one-on-one contacts like this, there's another argument to be made to those who don't think voting a third party matters. For whatever reason, there are those going to vote for a major party they dislike, and others considering not voting at all, so as not to validate a corrupt system. I think it makes a lot of sense to ask them to consider what it might mean to them, and other, anti-imperialists, if they woke up the next morning and saw that Dr. Jill Stein, for example, had won 40,000,000 votes. Compare how they would feel if she only got a small percentage of that.

Motivation matters. I don't think we have any idea of how strong our numbers are, given the almost complete black out of news on this issue. Maybe it matters, to we, the people, if we were to know just how strong we are. It might not be a bad thing for TPTB either.

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Are we not all obligated to comply with international law?

Kristen Zornada: Impact of ICJ's Apartheid Ruling on Israel: Paving the Path to Palestinian Freedom


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Yes Vote pac‼️

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Aug 4Edited

Sam Husseini, can we talk facts, legality? I feel obligated as a voter in a nation of laws to not violate laws or collude in their violation. That considerably cuts my invasive field of candidates to a relative patch of heirloom beauties, for example the Greens.

The ICJ ruling on Israel's occupation of Palestine states, ". . . It is for all [nation] States . . . to ensure that any impediment resulting from the illegal presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory to the exercise of the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination is brought to an end [;] . . . all the States parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention have the obligation . . . to ensure compliance by Israel with international humanitarian law as embodied in that Convention." p. 18, https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/186/186-20240719-sum-01-00-en.pdf

How does this not point at local, state, congressional, and presidential office holders and candidates who embrace, vote for, enact, and/or enforce anything pro-Israel. Including antizionism bills, anti-BDS laws, the NDAA military budget, or anything that holds Israel or Israelis (or really anybody) above anybody else.

We're all equal or we aren't. We follow the rule of law or we conspire with apparent hegemonic bullies in local and state administrations, Congress, and the White House and State Department to subvert law. (imo of course)

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I think it's a great idea, but I'm skeptical that a purely organic, "viral" approach will reach enough people. I think people with large platforms need to be promoting it.

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IDK but want to learn more?!?!

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