"The dust of many crumbled cities settles over us like a forgetful dream... And always we have forgotten our former states, except in early spring when we slightly recall being green again."
I’m reading what you recommended and the experience, like all thinks touching the nearness of Love’s source would be diminished by words. Though, I do, feebly, try. Thank-you. Also, I’ve found It’s really a beautiful experience to exchange thoughts and experiences of Rumi with other lovers, and this stands to reason. Again, thank you. Timing is everything.
Wow. Beautiful poem. Very profound. Not up to laughing yet.
I’m reading what you recommended and the experience, like all thinks touching the nearness of Love’s source would be diminished by words. Though, I do, feebly, try. Thank-you. Also, I’ve found It’s really a beautiful experience to exchange thoughts and experiences of Rumi with other lovers, and this stands to reason. Again, thank you. Timing is everything.
I think this poem dissolves the hopefully soon of time to a hopeful acceptance and trust.