I believe we were. We have too much interest in Africa. We have already been implicated in much Big Pharma testing of Africans. Astra Zeneca tested a heart attack drug 2011- from Reuters May 5, 2011 article titled “Special Report:Big Pharma’s Global Guinea Pigs. In 1996 Pfizer tested a meningitis drug,......on and on.

“Medical Colonialism in Africa is Not New- Al Jazeera April 8, 2020

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All right. I am not very good on Twitter yet, and maybe that is why you did not see my multiple comments there. Maybe they went to the TWITTER SPACES host and not to you. I guess my subscription here is worth something. I will put my comments here.

Starting with today:

(A few minutes after TWITTER SPACES conclusion) : Caught the last bit. Erudite, articulate. You remarked Ebola is biosafety issue. Undoubtedly true; I think Ebola, Marburg, SARS-1, SARS-2 were practice for Covid. Problem was delivery. Bioweapon issue.

Which is why the delivery problem is so important to spread beyond sharply circumscribed areas. Ergo: Giordano lecture. BTW it was me doing that footwork and a lot of other footwork, though appreciate Kyle passing it on after I tried several times to do so.

Earlier comments:

Every doc, every person, needs to watch this odious video. West Point neuroscience at least 4 years ago. Relevant passage: start 31:48 End: 36:13


Additional comment: I was a fairly good Family Medicine Doc. For a generalist I was pretty good at reading the scientific literature on relevant topics. I have spent a great deal of time over the last few years reading papers and listening to dissident scientists and doctors speaking out about Covid and the vaccines. I took plenty of flak for this in our home community, as did Kyle. I would like very much to share what I have learned with you and I might be willing to research questions that you may have.

You are likely familiar with the UNZ REVIEW. Ron Unz, a plodding but impeccable, really, scholar, a non-scientist analyst like yourself, has done some wonderful pieces about Covid origins. I disagree with him violently about the vaxx, but oh, well. If you are familiar with his site you know that its purpose is to air unpopular opinions on important issues-- plenty to disagree with there. Love it.


I hope Kyle has introduced you to our Facebook Group page. Here is that link:


Best wishes,

Haruhuani Spruce, MD

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