We know the DNC is a shower of ****. We know RFK jr will be shunted to the side.

However he is out there on every podcast who will have him talking openly about all things that matter, no punches pulled. With the exception of Israel. Deeply disappointing that he hasn’t addressed it but prob wants to stay alive. He was in the White House as a 10 year old boy when his dad hauled in the CIA chiefs re culpability for his uncle’s assassination. He knows the landscape and the fact that right wingers will flock to vote for him is huge. I would give him money if I knew that when the DNC pull their BS that that money would go to a new party or something other than the utter appalling theatre we have now.

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In soliciting questions for tonight's event I spotted at least one question asking RFK how he proposes to overcome the DNC's legal obstacles. He better address it and not just glibly say "I have no Plan B,"

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Thank you so much for this Sam. It's a great reminder to our 'awakening' during the 2016 Sanders primary run and his ultimate acquiescence - just as the Beck's described. And you can put Musk into the Sheepdog category.

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Musk has been shunned by Biden. What evidence is there to suggest that he is a DNC sheepdog? Am I understanding your comment. It seems presumptuous.

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Presumptuous... interesting word choice but I'll still take your question seriously. I'm not sure how you could have read Sam's interview with Beck and not come to that conclusion. Musk is supposedly a proponent of free speech and he makes sweeping gestures in that direction until they're a little too controversial for either him or those who regulate the social media space. His banning of Beck illustrates that. In this context (as in others), Biden is irrelevant.

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Great piece as always. " Our electoral system gives me no hope." Me neither.

PTB have largely been able to circumvent tactics that may have worked in the '80's and 90's. A new approach is needed.

If you believe half that spiritual stuff you read, then you might consult the Tao Te Ching, I Ching, martial arts theory for a more effective approach. Rather than fight head on with what is (usual Western approach) one observes the energy and moves when advantageous. (I personally think Vladimir Putin does a pretty good job at this.)

In this way one's interface with the external world becomes transformative for one's own spiritual path of growth, and perhaps for those around us. The greater good is thus served regardless of the outcome of any particular event or trend.


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Actually, Vladimir Putin is a master.

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This season RFK, Jr. stars as Rowdy Yates, the Rawhide wrangler who rounds up those stray, angry orphaned "dogies." Bernie did in earlier seasonal roundups. Dogies want a better world but are driven in vintage TV Western style to the slaughterhouse of movements, the Democrat Party: "Round 'em up. Move 'em out, Rawhide." https://youtu.be/AKC8pSFg1Vw

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Do you think Bernie knew all along that his campaign would be subverted? I emphasize “all along” and mean during the inspiring rise, leading up to S. Carolina crisis.

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JFK wanted to pull troops out of Vietnam by 1965, he didn't want Israel have nuclear capabilities and he bypassed the Federal Reserve Bank and minted 4 million in government money and then joined the other four presidents and one senator who were all assassinated for engaging in monetary reform. It would be good for this country if all states had independent state banks like North Dakota.

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JFK wanted to pull troops out of Vietnam by 1965, he didn't want Israel have nuclear capabilities and he bypassed the Federal Reserve Bank and minted 4 million in government money and then joined the other four presidents and one senator who were all assassinated for engaging in monetary reform. It would be good for this country if all states had independent state banks like North Dakota.

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It does begin with education which we must take control of by teaching at home or private schools that hire teachers who know and will teach truth. We gotta start somewhere.

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