Aug 6Liked by Sam Husseini

Exactly right! I said the exact same thing to my husband the night before the announcement, that if Walz was picked to be Harris' VP running mate, it will be because he doesn't have Shapiro's pro-genocide baggage. But our MN Governor Walz has consistently voted for war and MIC profiteering.  I go all the way back to the 2006 election with him when he, Klobuchar and I all ran as DFL candidates for the first time that year (Klobuchar and Walz successfully). Walz actually made his surprising spurt against the Republican incumbent congressman Gutnecht in southern MN district that year after Gutnecht slipped up (politically) by making a disparaging comment about the Iraq War that the pro Iraq War Dem candidate Walz was able to jump on.  Since then Walz learned the art of opportunistic politician speak to (FALSELY) come off as the nice guy you'd want to have a beer with, the common sense neighbor next door.  Walz has also made sure he's continues to veto the call for divestment of millions $$ in Minnesota funds from Israel. 

Walz lacks the appearance of Shapiro (which is probably why he got picked) but there's no difference in their support for MIC and Israel's genocide. 

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Thank you Coleen. Is there a report about him being pro Iraq War -- esp out warmongering the Republican?

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Aug 6Liked by Sam Husseini

I think the moral and/or intellectual bar is so ridiculously low for both major parties' presidential candidates that the lesser of two evils choice we so often complain about is not just a metaphor this time around. And it wasn't the last time.

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We dodged a bullet with Shapiro but got the shaft with Waltz.

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We are Walzing into WWIii. And more genocide. There is no controlling The ZioBeasts Or the puling professional politicians who serve them

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