This tactic of buying ads to influence media content was described in detail in Gerald Posner's book Pharma. https://experimentalfrontiers.scienceblog.com/2021/04/27/trust-me-im-a-medical-researcher/

The big revelation in Posner's book is that it extends to medical journals, which also have become dependent on ad revenue, and pharma companies which buy tens of thousands of reprints from the journal rather than just printing out the article from the journal's web page. Marcia Angell was editor of New England Journal of Medicine for many years, and when she left, she wrote an expose called The Truth About the Drug Companies https://www.amazon.com/Truth-About-Drug-Companies-Deceive/dp/0375760946

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I have not read or heard of Marcia Angell's book, so she might have already written about the little known scandalous behavior that medical journals are ghost written by drug company authors and doctors merely attach their names as co-authors to the piece as window dressing.

Sam, i agree with your entire premise of advertising as sophisticated shake-down to control content.

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This is so very insightful with bullet point paragraphs driving the overall thesis to a powerful conclusion. We moved to Mexico a few years ago and friends in the US would say, "it's such a corrupt country" whereupon I'd respond with 'so is the US, it's just called lobbying' but I was thinking in terms of influencing politicians. However, we all know the power of lock-step repetitive media propaganda hammering the same messages in near identical language. When combined with their vacuum of silence on issues of tremendous importance, their power over the public from the elite to the hoi polloi is near unstoppable. The consolidation of independent media into a handful of corporate entities was even more important than allowing direct-to-consumer drug ads. Edward Bernays would be proud. Thank you Sam.

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Sam, this is Colleen. Please contact Cat ASAP. She needs to talk to you about a story cat@catmcguire.com

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