I came also to this same conclusion. I hope the democrats lose in November, and I sincerely wish it were a third party like Jill Stein's, but I read Azzar's article (link below) telling me to vote for Kamala Harris instead for reason I had not thought of, only wanting to chose the higher moral ground away from genocide. His article refle…
I came also to this same conclusion. I hope the democrats lose in November, and I sincerely wish it were a third party like Jill Stein's, but I read Azzar's article (link below) telling me to vote for Kamala Harris instead for reason I had not thought of, only wanting to chose the higher moral ground away from genocide. His article reflects great fear of a Trump presidency concerning the Muslim community and it does seem well founded. But I also have great fear of a continuation of Harris presidency with recent history we've all suffered in the hands of democrats. I am now convoluted about what choice is the better. Some wise input/insight would be greatly appreciated. https://robertazzitheother.substack.com/p/friday-mezze-open-letter-to-arab
I came also to this same conclusion. I hope the democrats lose in November, and I sincerely wish it were a third party like Jill Stein's, but I read Azzar's article (link below) telling me to vote for Kamala Harris instead for reason I had not thought of, only wanting to chose the higher moral ground away from genocide. His article reflects great fear of a Trump presidency concerning the Muslim community and it does seem well founded. But I also have great fear of a continuation of Harris presidency with recent history we've all suffered in the hands of democrats. I am now convoluted about what choice is the better. Some wise input/insight would be greatly appreciated. https://robertazzitheother.substack.com/p/friday-mezze-open-letter-to-arab