I thought I was safe in the US even though I'm Jewish. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm less safe now as my religion is being used to justify genocide and my country (the US) is responsible for dropping illegal phosphorus bombs and mass killing in my name. Biden's statement couldn't really be more bungling and inherently anti-american and anti-semitic. What a fucking disaster he is.

Outside the chanukah party a bunch of brave Jewish Elders from JVP chained themselves to the gates of the White House to say "not in my name." It's barely been mentioned in the press.


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More excellent observations Sam and thank you so much. Biden has a long pro Israeli history. In a 1986 speech when he was a senator he said that if there wasn't an Israel, the United States would have to invent it because it's the best possible 3 billion dollar America could make to protect our interests in the region. Here's a short youtube link to a recent pronouncement and his '86 remarks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HZs-v0PR44

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Cherish the handful of you journalists dedicated to this genocide.. it's beyond belief a perpetual killing machine waving flags that are supposed to make folks believe there is any justification for this horror. As a small bright light in the darkness, the world seem not to buy it.. NYC has protests & vigils daily.. last Friday had to have 10,000 or more march from Courthouse Row to Wall Street.

As for Genocidin' Biden as street signs have dubbed him.. Demented Joe doesn't even get past the preamble of the Constitution before violating the foundational principles.. What happened to all people equal or entitled to life, liberty & pursuit of happiness.. betcha a footnote in NDAA-AUMF et al wiped the rest of the rights out for Americans too... here's wishing them eternity in an inferno.

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Maybe if there were no Jews in the world, it might be a safer place for us all

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Not a particularly helpful or anti-inflammatory comment from a former diplomat!

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Perhaps Stephan supports the psycho ZioNazis & their Holocaust. Perhaps Stephan thinks the refusal of all the terribly moral countries signatory to the Genocide convention to invoke it before the UN is helpful

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Ha. Stephan supports and thinks no such things. The world would be better without Israel as it is, but you're conflating Israel with Jews, which is what Biden and Netanyahu do. It's unhelpful to the cause of justice in Palestine. I would love the Genocide Convention to be invoked and I pray that it is.

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I don't see this as a helpful remark. In fact it is rather disgusting.

Look at all the Jewish people talking out against this genocide? It is the Zionists who are the problem.

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How many Jews? The few whose emphasis is on protecting Jews from the consequences of genocide? The ones who support the Eternal Victims who claim they don’t feel safe because people question genocide?

Get real. Your comments are way out of touch with reality

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Yes, that eternal victimhood is becoming boring. What about the victimhood of blacks, Poles, Ukrainians, and other who have suffered ethnic cleansing and genocide? Zionists use the Holocaust to justifiy their ugly behavior towards others. Used in that way tarnishes the memory and makes a crappy cry for empathy and excuses that people are simply tired of.

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I beg to differ. You get real

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I would amend that to say Israel has no belonging in a world that longs for peace and peace there would be more of in the Middle East if Israel did not exist. Perhaps out of the horror and evil of its existence will come a unified Middle East, brave enough to stand on its own against the powerful hegemonic powers that want control of the wealth of its nations and fears Islamic religion of which I read is spreading around the world and will soon outpace Christian religion which shares some basic beliefs. What little I've read, it seems Islam requires more direct action of its followers to their God, than that of Christianity; it seems more sincere because I see it in action, while Christianity harbors a great deal of hypocrisy and actions just the opposite of what their God calls them to do.

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I came also to this same conclusion. I hope the democrats lose in November, and I sincerely wish it were a third party like Jill Stein's, but I read Azzar's article (link below) telling me to vote for Kamala Harris instead for reason I had not thought of, only wanting to chose the higher moral ground away from genocide. His article reflects great fear of a Trump presidency concerning the Muslim community and it does seem well founded. But I also have great fear of a continuation of Harris presidency with recent history we've all suffered in the hands of democrats. I am now convoluted about what choice is the better. Some wise input/insight would be greatly appreciated. https://robertazzitheother.substack.com/p/friday-mezze-open-letter-to-arab

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And the subhuman Zios & Genocide Joe didn’t try to assassinate Raisi, either. Am sick of your ignorance

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