Thank you for your integrity. I committed the thought crime of attempting to share some of these important facts on Facebook during the pandemic. As a result I received an email saying my account would be "restricted" going forward. The level of propaganda is truly sad and disgusting. Most of the public will remain ignorant and duped. I appreciate you shouting into the void.

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Good on you. My account on twitter was suspended at one point, but I should have been more vocal there in spite of the obvious restrictions.

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I guess the problem is trying to find a livable balance. But if we don't keep trying, we have already lost. Unfortunately, we see with the genocide in Palestine that disinformation and censorship can work. Alas...

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"Instead, we should be moving to systematically stopping dangerous lab work. "

Husseini hits the nail on the head.

How about public funds pay for public service?

Or should I say 'the deficit'? It seems the cupboard is pretty bare.

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Thank you so much Sam and it's very much out of the government's playbook... a playbook employed by both the GOP and the Dems. Pinning it on Fauci is akin to blaming Israel's genocide on Netanyahu rather than it being attributed more properly as reflection of a systemic, Israeli societal attitude which their elected representatives are endorsing as well as shaping. We know there are exceptions but so far, not enough to reverse course.

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Thank you Sam for all your excellent and important work! There's one aspect to the whole gain-of-function disaster that is very important to emphasize: the main reason the military and IC communities are interested in that work is in order to create "medical countermeasures" - which are almost entirely, at this point, genetic vaccine platforms. So when you discuss their obsession with GoF, it's important to couple that with their monomaniacal focus on mRNA platforms.

That's how Covid happened: Gain of function research, leak/release of potential bioweapon, biodefense/biowarfare cartel takes over global response, lockdown everything until countermeasures are available, use EUA to bypass all regulatory oversight, force billions of people to take mRNA injections.

Here's a more detailed discussion of the GoF/MCM connection:


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" “Gain-of-Function” is a euphemism for making pathogens more deadly and/or more easily transmissible. It’s an existential threat to humanity. "

This is a lie told by biotech.. there is NO ability to create a pandemic pathogen only a petrie dish or vat of purified RNA that is akin to highly enriched uranium.. the purity of the lab made substance is LIMITED to that batch. It is impossible to make RNA have a replication fidelity to pandemic.

Check out the exhaustive analysis by Neil & Engler... there is NO evidence of spread for any novel cause of death.. there is NO biology that supports the idea that any RNA molecule has replication fidelity.. this is the big lie to evoke an unseen enemy verified by useless PCR it's not a real threat.


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