I heard Terry Gross interview an author on Israel's internal political situation tonight (recorded 11/8/23) and, while they'll both discussed how there would be no place for Gazans to return to (as if), neither of them so much as mentioned the *over 10,000 Palestinians already killed by Israel*, who will never be retur…
I heard Terry Gross interview an author on Israel's internal political situation tonight (recorded 11/8/23) and, while they'll both discussed how there would be no place for Gazans to return to (as if), neither of them so much as mentioned the *over 10,000 Palestinians already killed by Israel*, who will never be returning anywhere, except (if one is inclined to such religious belief) to their maker.
They are shameless.
I heard Terry Gross interview an author on Israel's internal political situation tonight (recorded 11/8/23) and, while they'll both discussed how there would be no place for Gazans to return to (as if), neither of them so much as mentioned the *over 10,000 Palestinians already killed by Israel*, who will never be returning anywhere, except (if one is inclined to such religious belief) to their maker.