Thanks for holding their feet to the fire. Last night on PBS Newshour their main coverage of Gaza was just IDF propaganda. However, later on they showed a piece about settlers evicting families from Palestinian villages. They showed armed settlers intimidating Palestinians and when one raised his hands shot him in cold blood. Nothing new for us but these might wake up the populus

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Malodorous squat holes at State. No wonder US foreign policy since 1945 has been such an unmitigated disaster.

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Happy to see you here, JMS. First heard you re: Visas for Al Quaeda on Guns and Butter. Whatcha up to now? Writing on Substack?

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Excellent questions! Keep up your authentic journalism!

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Glad you are here, Colleen, and hope to hear more from you in Substack.

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One item of International Law that has not been restated. There is a duty to disobey illegal orders. The “just following orders” excuse doesn’t cut it if the Nazi Generals count. I know the pope and Dulles Brothers smuggled the convicts to safety in Argentina. We need a real World Court, not this racist do nothing relic. So glad the Gen Z kids are hitting the street and shaking up the phony politicians like Bernie Sanders.

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Thank you so much Sam. I just watched a Napolitano interview with former British diplomat Alistair Crooke who has substantial experience in the region. Like you, he feels that Israel isn't really targeting Hamas (who is deep underground) rather the Gaza civilian population in an effort to ethnically cleanse all of that area.

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Usually intent is the hardest thing to prove in prosecuting a crime. But for once, it's not even hard to prove intent as almost all of the Israeli Likud and Settler type leaders have actually publicly announced their bigoted intent to "mow the lawn" and kill Gazan civilians. There's been a myriad of Israeli dehumanizing statements in this vein denoting genocidal intent.

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Thank you for asking the question. It's important to know. I just wish these flak-catchers would answer the question.

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They are shameless.

I heard Terry Gross interview an author on Israel's internal political situation tonight (recorded 11/8/23) and, while they'll both discussed how there would be no place for Gazans to return to (as if), neither of them so much as mentioned the *over 10,000 Palestinians already killed by Israel*, who will never be returning anywhere, except (if one is inclined to such religious belief) to their maker.

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