Oct 3Liked by Sam Husseini

Thank you for this timely reminder of who the reckless, death-dealers really are.

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Oct 3Liked by Sam Husseini

JFK was a wise man not wanting Israel to have nuclear weapons. We can now see why. They are so fanatic and reckless, they are more likely than any other country to use a nuclear bomb. That was JFK's fear.

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USA is now a 'terrorist' country.......so the rest of the world should dismantle the US Nuclear facilities.

I am SO sick of hearing about 'sanctions' because one country MIGHT have Nuclear weapons.This is why countries are joining BRICS

Hopefully BRICS will make USA so poor that they won't be able to keep their Nuclear weapons in working order......who am I kidding.

The American dumb people will suffer more than anyone else.

No money for Health/education/elderly etc.

I am sorry if I am being negative BUT right now the US should not exist.

I know people in the US and really do not want to see people suffering. But terrorist Empires die!

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could not agree with you more, Jenny. sad to say. peace.

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Hello Suz-an.

Seems not possible under this tyrannical US?Zionist regime!

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the older i get, the more bizarre i find human predilection for unhealthy over-reactions based in primal fear, suspicion and often outright violence. no thinking. just triggered emotions. no asking questions first. no seeking to understand self and/or others at all before judging with fear-based anger to simple situations as *threats* that most likely have simple, alternative explanations. one side of the coin.

when we're completely self-centered and self-serving at the expense of everyone else, we assume everyone else lives in our narrow tunnel of vision. (a mentor of mine used to say, "the goldfish doesn't know it's in the water.") here in the west... most esp in USA ... we excel at this. our neocon leaders set the tone. many Americans blindly mimic... and our Israeli *masters* take it to an entirely new and dangerous level.

we could focus on the other side of that coin for a bit.

what if we all felt safe and secure, opening hearts and minds to everyday life for ourselves and others? what if we were even curious to learn from others who are guided by different philosophies, beliefs, values (i.e. nuclear development for *peaceful* - gasp - uses)? what if we saw each other as human?

what if we sought to learn how others also want to live their lives, raise their families, etc.? what if we could enjoy and honor each others' divergent ideas, problem-solving skills, art, food, music, celebrations ... together ... so everyone could benefit? we could all keep our sacred traditions and ideals intact while appreciating the variety of resources we could share to expand quality of life for all.

what a different world we could create if we started seeing each other as friends and resources to collaborate with and learn from. what if we stopped seeing each other as 'threats' because for the most part, we aren't. wild idea.

harmonizing both sides of our human nature would massively improve odds of growing and surviving together as a species on this planet. we are not healthy at this time. doesn't bode well for any of us.

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Thank you for a hugely important reminder of the historical context of Iraq and Iran in the aftermath of the CIA coup against Mossadegh in Iran and the subsequent American deceptions and depredations in both Iraq and Iran. Iraq in the 1970s was a flourishing artistic, scientific, cultural and economic powerhouse with quality of life indicators rivaling if not leading every other Arab country. That did not suit America then and the same is true when it comes to Iran, now.

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