Israel's 1981 Attack on Nuclear Facility "STARTED" Iraq's Nuclear Weapons Program
As Israel eyes striking Iran, another Big Lie in service of imperial Israel....
Biden announced that Washington doesn't support an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, which to some knowledgeable observers, given Biden’s record, makes that more likely.
There are many other hypocrisies and fallacies, but obviously the first thing to be said about Israel’s propaganda regarding Iran’s nuclear program being weaponized is that Israel has its own massive nuclear weapons program that both it and the US government have refused to acknowledge for decades, as I’ve long documented.
But one myth is little known and important to understand as Israel seems to be eyeing striking Iran’s nuclear facilities.
The Telegraph yesterday claimed: “Israel did the world a historic favour when it bombed Iraq’s Osirak reactor in 1981.”
Israel would claim in 1981: “From sources whose reliability is beyond any doubt, we learn that this reactor, despite its camouflage, is designed to produce atomic bombs.” Which seems to be a case of projection given their deceit regarding their Dimona facility.
In fact, Richard Wilson, who was Mallinckrodt research professor of physics at Harvard University, visited the Osirak Iraqi reactor in 1982 after it was bombed by Israel. He told me back in 2006: “Many claim that the bombing of the Iraqi Osirak reactor delayed Iraq’s nuclear bomb program. But the Iraqi nuclear program before 1981 was peaceful, and the Osirak reactor was not only unsuited to making bombs but was under intensive safeguards. Certainly, Saddam Hussein would clearly have liked a nuclear bomb if he could have had one, but the issue is whether there were enough procedures for that reactor in place to prevent him from doing so and all the indications are that there were enough procedures.
“The Osirak reactor was destroyed in June 1981. It was not until early in July 1981 that Saddam Hussein personally released Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar from house arrest and asked him to start and head the clandestine nuclear bomb program. The destruction of Osirak did not stop an Iraqi nuclear bomb program but probably started it. Worse still, the Israelis were so pleased with themselves that it appears that neither they nor the CIA looked for and understood the real direction of the Iraqi nuclear bomb program.
“In the international discussions with Iran, this must be borne in mind. Bombing a peaceful program, rather than controlling it, is very dangerous. But, alas, this is not the lesson that many people, who have not studied the technical evidence, have gained.” Wilson died in 2018. See his piece in New Outlook: “Iraq's uranium separation: the huge surprise.”
Wilson’s account is further confirmed by Imad Khadduri, who eventually worked on the Iraqi nuclear program until it was dismantled after the 1991 Gulf War.
Khadduri is author of the book Iraq’s Nuclear Mirage: Memoirs and Delusions. He worked on the Iraq nuclear weapons program beginning in 1981 and left Iraq in the late 1990s.
In 1981, Israeli warplanes bombed the Iraqi reactor at Osirak and many in the US cheered it on, claiming that was a way of allegedly stopping Iraq from acquiring nuclear weapons. Khadduri was working at the time on the Iraqi nuclear program and says the effect was exactly the opposite. The Iraqi scientists he says didn’t trust Saddam Hussein with a nuclear weapon, so they refused to work on weapons for him — until the Israelis attacked.
He would tell me years later: “I worked on the pre-1981 nuclear program and I was certain it would not be used for military purposes. But after the 1981 bombing, we were so angry that we were ready to work on a military program. The Israeli attack didn’t end the nuclear weapons program, it began it.” Before the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Khadduri argued that, contrary to what the Bush administration was claiming, the Iraqi nuclear weapons program had been dismantled years before.
Khadduri told me in 2015: “The Iranian nuclear program is peaceful. Their nuclear program started in the 1950s under the U.S. government’s Atoms for Peace project, which sent Iraq, Iran and other countries nuclear plans. In the case of Iraq, it was a gift from the U.S. for joining the Baghdad Pact. After the revolution in Iraq ended the monarchy, the U.S. built for Iran the plant they were going to build for us. …
“The Iranian nuclear program really took off in the 1970s after the U.S. convinced the Shah that he could be a regional power only if he embraced the atom. But the U.S. was trying to gouge the Shah, so he had the Germans build his reactors. A main component of the Iranian program is a research reactor used for medical purposes — even Iranian Americans frequently go back to Tehran for chemo because it’s provided for free. …
“When Ayatollah Khomeini came to power, he stopped work on Iranian nuclear facilities. He had already come to the position that having nuclear weapons was religiously prohibited and the financial costs were enormous. But he eventually allowed it to be restarted for peaceful purposes since the costs of cancelling the contracts were high. During the war with Iran, Iraq attacked the Iranian nuclear facilities more than 12 times, but they were minor attacks. But after the Iranians bombed Iraqi oil refineries, Saddam ordered the destruction of two Iranian reactors in 1987, killing 14 people including one German and the Germans withdrew.”
See past IPA news release with Khadduri for more background.
I just reconnected with Khadduri, recounting the above, he said: “I would now add, as I had maintained for a long time, hence, that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon. Since the early 1960s, while Khomeini was still a student in Qum, the Islamic theologians issued a decree banning obtaining a nuclear bomb as it violates Islamic Quranic dictums, forbidding Muslims to kill innocent humans. Khamenai confirmed this.”
Khadduri referenced the Iranian leader’s proclamation of 2012: “The Iranian nation has never pursued and will never pursue nuclear weapons. There is no doubt that the decision makers in the countries opposing us know well that Iran is not after nuclear weapons because the Islamic Republic, logically, religiously and theoretically, considers the possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believes the proliferation of such weapons is senseless, destructive and dangerous.”
This was reiterated in 2013, as AP reported: “A religious decree issued by Iran's supreme leader banning nuclear weapons is binding for the Iranian government, the Foreign Ministry said Tuesday, suggesting that the edict should end the debate over whether Tehran is pursuing atomic arms.
“Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said the West must understand the significance of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's edict for Iran, saying ‘there is nothing higher than the exalted supreme leader's fatwa to define the framework for our activities in the nuclear field.’”
It’s of course conceivable that the Iranian government is lying, though their actions of late — targeting Israeli military facilities after Israel has blown up schools, hospitals, mosques and churches, and now whole neighborhoods in Lebanon — indicate that they operate for the time being in a manner different from the “civilized” West.
Thank you for this timely reminder of who the reckless, death-dealers really are.
JFK was a wise man not wanting Israel to have nuclear weapons. We can now see why. They are so fanatic and reckless, they are more likely than any other country to use a nuclear bomb. That was JFK's fear.