How can Kennedy be criticized for "his hesitance to hold actors like Farrar and Fauci accountable for their propagandistic coverup of Covid origins" when Kenndy is and has been the most deadly critic of Fauci and wrote an entire book about him (The Real Anthony Fauci) that goes much further than merely nailing Fauci for covering up COVID's lab origin?--Steve Brown

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Thanks Steve. He's gone largely silent is my point. Just as he got national media coverage. Ie, as soon as he can reach a large number of people, he's no longer addressing pandemic related issues in anywhere the same way.

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You're right; I hadn't noticed his recent lack of attention to pandemic issues. I confirmed this by a quick look thorugh the archives of the Kennedy Beacon <https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/archive?sort=new> (to which I have been contributing), which have not a single article on vaccine issues or the pandemic -- a surprise to me.

But I would attribute that shift in emphasis to campaign strategy -- i.e., trying to change perception of him as a one-issue candidate, whch is how most of the country has seen him for the last four years until he declared his candidacy. That is borne out by looking at his Children's Health Defense website <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children%27s_Health_Defense>, which is still vocal and aggressive on Fauci, lab origins, ivermectin smear campaign, excess mortlaity caused by vaccines and every other pandemic issue.

Kennedy's focus now seems to be focused on presenting a wide-ranging and well-gournded programs on a variety of issues, from the economy to foreign policy, and espcially on ending the Ukraine war and all our other declared or undeclared wars and imperialist adventures. So in no way would I view his switch of focus as a reason to call him a "sell-out,""sheepdog" or "Judas Goat." That seems harsh and undeserved if one judges him by his performance so far, which has him attacking and being attacked by every sector of the establishement and/or national secuirty state. Except, of course, his bizarre satements about Israel and Palestine., which I attribute to ignorance and the unconcious absorption (aka bias) of the pro-Israel worldview of his family, friends and lifelong social environment: namely, Hollywood, Santa Barbara, NY Upper West Side/SoHo/Tribeca ultra-rich liberal financial and celebrity circles (predominantly Jewish, including his current wife) and, of course, high-level Democratic Party nexus.

It seems ungrateful, not to mention stupid, of the Left (whatever that word may mean these days), after being pleasantly blindisded by the out-of-nowhere candidacy of someone who not only embodies 99% of everything they've ever asked for, but actually has a chance of winning, to bay at his heels like a pack of revening wolves over a single hard-to-swallow position that, strategicalliy, might be better addressed after he is elected rather than before, in order to prevent him from bieng elected.

I know that the Palestine issue is not minor, and may have special resonsance for you, but why the heck can't you wait 16 months, so you can beat the crap out of Kennedy on Palestine AFTER he has stopped the Ukraine war, dismantled NATO, shook hands with Putin and Xi on non-nuclear proliferation treaties, shut down our 800 foreign military bases, cleaned out the industry-captured FDA/WHO/NIH/CDC cartel, disembowled the CIA and the rest of the national security state and, as a bonus, distributed a year's supply if ivermectin (which costs only 6 cents per 12mg pill) to every U.S. citizen to use or not use as he/she sees fit..

Kennedy is 10 times as threatening to the establishment or deep state or whatever you want to call it than Bernie Sanders ever was. He intends structural change from a class warfare standpoint (and hasn't it always been dissident scions of the upper classes that have historically led or fomented revoltions? Except, of course, for Spartacus.).

There is nothing wrong with the Left coming right out and saying, "We will vote for you and tell everyone else to vote for you because you are 99% right, but we will kick your ass on Palestine beginning January 1, 2025."

Unfortunately, from a power-and-politics point of view, there is much more reason for the interests that own this country to assassinate RFK Jr than there ever was to assassinate his uncle and father. JFK and RFK were meliorists at best, motivated by what looked like noblesse oblige (which was also the motor of FDR's, and Eleanor's, policy initiatives). Noblesse obligige may be what motivates JR as well, but he is a real radical compared to them, without also being a strict ideologue, since he has publicly changed his mind (sometimes not for the better) and confessed to error or ignorance.

In short RFK JR not the lesser of two evils; he is the best of all posible choices (unless you see salvation in Kamela Harris, Gavin Newsome, or -- not so far fetched -- Hillary redux. Not to mention Donald Trump who -- if the present Decline of Everyting continues -- is my bet to be the likely front-runner starting about March 2024..

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This is an excellent summation and an accurate one. I think people forget the Kennedy's were a very privileged and wealthy group of people, adored by their followers and detested by many others - thus the assinations. RFK Jr lives a lifestyle that most of us can not even fathom, with his tv star wife and his trust funds...But he also is a very strong believer in democracy...the will of the people, the working people. And who else out there in politics is? Sanders showed himself as the shill he is. Kennedy has a lot more class and self esteem. I also agree Trump will be our next Potus if only for revenge to the Democrats. Hell if Kennedy drops out, I'll vote for Trump because it doesn't make any difference anyway who anyone votes for, does it? Pretty much a coup of the billionaires and the banks. Why are we spending time on this anyway? The Kabuki Theatre continues.

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One gigantic problem with this critique is that the entire spectrum of claims around Gain of Function that are in opposition to fundamental biology. While there is no question enhanced ability can be produced by CRISPR and made in volume in a lab with cDNA clones it is impossible for any virus to have fidelity to create a pandemic. Every person infected produces a variant & using coronavirus backbone many will have natural T-cell immunity to the most conserved proteins.

Lab leak or natural origin makes no difference to the real imaginary enemy claims that ignore laws of Nature that are lost in the fear porn about viral pandemics. Great information about this hype for unseen threats from pathogens are recent VSRF chat w Steve Kirsch and Mike Yeadon.


Another fab source is Jonathan Couey neurobiologist & science advisor to RFK Jr & CHD.. No question Jay would be happy to talk with you just ping me or use his site for contact. Fear of an unseen enemy is a powerful weapon the reality is that it is not possible to do more with these GoF than local infection w release of clones. Jay also has a chat w Yeadon at GigaohmBiological site.


oops forgot to add Bobby has a new book about Wuhan to be released this month that addresses many of the points you have been critical of omitting & Jay Couey a science consultant for that too!

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Straight to the point

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I get you want him to talk about covid, I’m right there with you however nearly the entire left who’ve been aware of covid joined hands with the lockdown branch covidiot left, and they wrapped spare masks around their heads to ensure a perfect blinder effect and then they squeezed every news cycle, every tweet, every interview, forcing this one single topic. Constantly blaming him for talking about it while in the same breath demanding he appear with them because they need to ask him about it. At first I felt embarrassed about what he was saying but I very quickly saw the number of bad faith branch covidian left intentionally driving the conversation, trying to keep this one topic on center stage. A lot of people who should have kept a more macro view on the entire tyrannical situation got swept up in it.

When you criticize who he’s picking for his campaign I’d ask what he is supposed to do. The entire left has one demand of him, and it has to do with what is essentially a virtue signal about Palestine. There’s not a single thought that Dr. West would have put Palestinians into medical and financial apartheid. When I mention that in some of the left groups, in hopes to bring people off the mainline hype machine, more than a few would say it didn’t matter because Palestinians don’t have freedom to travel as it is. Apparently solidifying their imprisonment in code with global AI drone surveillance vax pass readers is okay because it will teach us a lesson in the west, again these brilliant ideas were conveyed to me. You know he is getting pressure from financial interests and the Israel lobby yet there is not only no balance, but there’s also a vacuum with the left viciously ripping into him. With this environment how do you expect he fill these same people into campaign positions?

Politics requires pressure, public pressure is best when you don’t have money, and it's clear people learned absolutely nothing from Bernie. If the left can’t manage to put aside their differences, sorry, their 1 difference, then the RFK campaign will be stacked on top of the monumental list of massive opportunities pissed away.

I hear your hesitant fear of RFK switching things to blame on China, but I think you’re far off about that. On a side note, I find it so strange to hear criticism that he’s not spoke about it enough. He has countless podcasts where he is stopping people who get carried away (or engaging in anti-China propaganda). He knows all the relationships of western governments, officials and private industry players who were using the lab essentially as a rental. He’s criticized Desmet’s "Mass Psychosis" for the explicit reason it gives a free pass to the very evil leaders and institutions and quite directly blames to victims. Many times, he has forcefully pushed back on the people blaming China and his position is on how responsible the US military is and how they were the driving force behind all the worst policies. If you listen to any interviews he does with Dr. Meryl Nass, Whitney Webb, James Roguski, Sasha Latypova, Catherine A. Fitts, those all usually get into the details on what happened and what’s coming. You might reply with "of course he speaks in depth with them" but you want him to be reaching out to the others who, at the moment, are reflexively against RFK.

I want him to cover this stuff too but the people he needs to cover it with are currently customizing their "Free Palestine" vaxxx passport designs while they curse RFK’s existence. This is where a whole lot of them feel most comfortable because Kennedy makes them deal with, and really question the actions they’ve taken with themselves or their kids and it’s easier to write him off.

I’d imagined having an on the ground network parallel to CHD at this point but when he announced his candidacy you had the people who should have hitched to give guidance and pressure, instead were obsessed with his kicking off as a Dem - a decision which I had mentioned he do almost 3 years ago because that’s the only way to reach the propagandized and censored left - or nonstop talking about loyalty pledges and cheating Dems, even though we see what happened with the intelligence agencies and the general.

I don’t know what else to say, you (and I) want him to be informing people about what happened, but the dance partner isn’t showing up. He does speak on Jeremy Farrar and the WHO at length, he helps organize round table live streams on CHD, Rumble, Rokfin and when he can slip by censorship, on YouTube. Overall, I agree with what you’re saying however you’re really over exaggerating this idea that he is intentionally avoiding covid, to a rather extreme point and you simultaneously ignore the fact that the other side of the conversation is having their 'code-pink' moment, choosing the 'virtue' of WW3 rather than putting aside their differences. Personally, I find it difficult to which endless forgiveness for Dr. West’s complete ignorance about nearly everything other than Palestine, although he would have had them forced into medical apartheid but again, he speaks favorably about them so it’s endless acceptance and forgiveness of his rather horrific positions, and he has no curiosity to find the truth of what happened. This is when he takes a break from calling Trump and Trump supporters "Neo-fascist" and then describe the literal dementia addled fascist a "milk-toast" liberal… wtf?? And talk about dividing the antiestablishment voters, Chris Hedges, who effortlessly embraced covid ignorance, casually insulting the covid response opposition these last 3 years, seems obsessed with attacking RFK over and over and over again. He can’t go on an interview where RFK is mentioned favorable without lifting the toilet seat and unleashing a verbal diarrhea about his 1 bad take. I don’t think he’s ever questioned Gnoam the Chump about his genocidal hatred for the unvaccinated and how he wanted to throw anyone who didn’t accept medical experimentation into apartheid camps while openly joking about how his victims might have a difficult time finding food - he didn’t mention if they had children and if he wanted to starve the kids with their parents for being born into that family, that’s the kind of acceptable position to keep in Hedges mind. Maybe Chris didn’t realize Palestinians can be unvaccinated too… maybe he didn’t consider them human like Noam? I’m being harsh because I was disgusted by this bigoted genocidal hate widely accepted by the vast majority of the RFK Red-line crew.

If you really want to do something you need to get this left, the ones moonlighting as code pink, and have them form what the historical literature and for that matter cinema, describe as an "alliance", have them shelve their damn differences, and get them to rebuild a relationship with RFK without insulting his dumb take. It probably won’t matter to most of them, but you might remind them he went against his family and the Israel lobby to advocate the release of the Palestinian convicted of killing his dad, you know maximum Zionist move, and have them put pressure on him to hold true to certain negotiated positions if he wants to earn their vote. They have a wide variety of topics to choose from, some 10 active tyrannical measures rolling out globally this very moment. By all means tell them to criticize him about his dumb take but do it in private. This 3-month excursion into reality tv bullshit only hurt the issue of Palestine and that’s not even mentioning how the absence of discussing those other topics move them, and every other human, into a digital internment camp.

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Zac --

Not sure I follow all your arguments, but to clarify where I'm coming from --

Dueling -- or Logrolling -- Apartheids

RFK Jr. and Jordan Peterson defend apartheid Israel, Chomsky has advocated vaccine apartheid. Musk and the rest of Big Tech are for speech apartheid. Don't pick an apartheid, pick them all apart.


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Sam, is that a sample of your work on the walls? Love them!

Dr Meryl Nass, who works for CHD, is spearheading the effort related to the WHO pandemic 'treaty'. Not sure if she informs folks about Farrar who is certainly a key player, as well as Drosden (sic) out of Germany...he was the PCR test 'lead'. All of this background you (and Whitney Webb) have disclosed long ago. I became aware of your work in Salon through the film interview you gave to Pandemania way back in 2020? I might have these facts wonky. Regardless, I sought out your work back then and have been a fan ever since. Glad you have the substack because I just left twitter for nostr.

It would be cool if RFKjr would grant you an interview.

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Thanks much Jana. Here's my art page -- https://bethatempty.org

I asked for an interview months and months ago. I don't expect to get one.

Hope to look into nostr. We need a strong platform.

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Sam -- You know you will never get a public interview with RFK Jr. If I were his chief of staff, I would never allow it. But you might request a private interview, one on one -- asking, in effect, not for a chance to beat him up on the issue, but only for a chance to counter some of the demonstrably wrong/bad information he has been getting from his joined-at-the-hip 'Israeli whisperers' like Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. You would promise not to use or write about anything the two of you discussed, without his permission, since you would not be looking to score points. but rather to to provide information. It would be -- not a debate -- but a debriefing. He might go for it, if he is truly as open-minded as he claims to be (and as I like to believe he is, which I suppose shows confrmation bias on my part). Do you have any personal outreach to RFK's campaign?

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Thanks for the thought. Many indications he's a psyop.


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Anthing is possible. But I really can't see Jr carrying water for the people who murdered his father and uncle. If the purpose of the exercise -- running Jr for President -- is really just a deep-state ploy to sheep-dog the liberal left (as Bernie was accused of doing), then it would have been enough to have Jr merely espouse the same anodyne social improvements that Bernie did. The liberal left would have been just as happy with him, and he wouldn't have had to denounce the CIA, FBI, M-I-C, Big Pharma, Mainstream Media, the bankers and Wall Street -- let alone promise to implement real structural changes by curbing their power or even crushing them entirely. Merely opening up the propsect of such mind-boggling radical changes for discussion on the campaign trail would be viewed as too risky by the people who pull the strings. It might give the voters ideas. For that reason alone I can't see Jr as a psyop/sheep-dogger candidate. I see him as a sincere if imperfect candidate who (Israel excepted) not only has the best vision for America since Eugene Debs, but actually has a chance of winning (which Debs never did).

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The point of his candidacy is to destroy anything good about the pandemic dissent movement (you’d think he’d be leading protests outside labs doing gof) and to make some people who were anti establishment on Covid drink the Israel koolaid. This honestly seems obvious to me. I’ve made these arguments repeatedly. Including on CHD!

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Sam -- That doesn't sound even remotely reasonable. What on earth would be RFK Jr's motive, not only to run for President, but to deceitfully use his Presidential campaign to subvert everything he has believed in, and worked for as a progressive lawyer for the past 45 years? His life does not reveal an unquenchable thirst for power or notoriety, like that of his uncle and father, nor was he groomed and pressured to seek power, as they famously were, by a father like Joe Kennedy. He is not a career politician like Schumer or Pelosi, whose rise to power and personal wealth, and their ability to hold on to same, depends on implementing the will of the billionaire/corporate class. Jr is already welthy on his own, and has been exposing and fighting the power structure for decades -- as he promises to continue doing if elected. You can certainly believe, if you must, that he is simply a liar and a tool of the oppressive elite, but there is no evidence for this. Despite being a member of the ruling class by birth, Jr seems to be sincerely motivated both by principle and. perhaps even more so, by noblesse oblige, which is, of course, a kind of humiliating patronization. However, it is better to be patronized than plundered. After all, noblesse oblige was the motor of FDR as it was also of Eleanor. So don't knock it. You can concemn FDR for failing to help rescue Jews in the 1930s and for delibertely manipulating Japan into attacking the U.S., but you have to praise him for the New Deal and the social safety net. Similarly, you can complain all you want about RFK Jr's failure to lead a sit-in at the gates of Ft Dietrich to protest gain-of-function research, and his bizarre-because-so-misinformed fealty to Israeli policies, but you must also praise his courage in exposing that very gain-of-function research (and the power structure that supports it) in his speeches, books and website, even though it has made him a pariah among many of his former friends and most of his own extended Kennedy family. Accusing RFK Jr of being a Manchurian Candidate secretly in league with the forces he has been fighting against for most of his adult life seems too off-the-wall even for a "conspiracy theorist" like me; it is as if the Berrigan brothers were not r-e-e-e-e-eally antiwar activists but were merely staging all those protests, pouring all that blood on Trident Missiles, and spending 11 years in prison to deceive the public about the true mission of the Catholic priesthood, which was to abet a Popish plot to take over the workd and kill all Protestants. Occam's Razor makes me opt for the simple explanation that RFK Jr is exactly what he seems to be (and says he is), rather than concoct an incredibly complex plot in which he willingly turns himself into a despised wretch who is daily attacked in mainstream media, and viewed by at least half the population and 99% of its ruling classas as either a fool or a madman . That said, I remain open to the very real possibility that another of my firm beliefs, as has so often happened in the past, will turn out to be a fantasy -- good for enabling me to sleep better at night but not a reliable map of facts on the ground.

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It certainly is having those unfortunate effects. How to turn this around???

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