The shock and horror show continues unabated. Part of the Israeli plan must be to wear us down, to demoralize those who support humanity and justice. Let us renew our commitment to never stop working for those honorable aims. The Palestinians are so strong, and steadfast. Let us not let them down. I know that we must prevail for their sake, and that is enough. But we shouldn't kid ourselves; we must also prevail for our own sake. Our species depends on our stopping the madness, as does all life on this planet.

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Important documentation. I send my secular prayers to all deities that it may be used to put a definitive end to Zionism in Israel and in its puppet master, the USA.

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I’m on Zoom in a virtual vigil for the two scheduled executions today. One in Texas, and one in Alabama.

Why can’t we do that? Have a non-stop online virtual vigil. With reading of names of all the victims, have religious leaders take turns invoking their rituals for honoring the dead, musicians singing for peace, poets reading their poems for peace. Can we find a way to do this?

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