This week, I put out “War and Media: Has Nothing Been Learned?”, “Demands for Arms Embargo on Israel”, “Indigenous Solidarity with Palestine”, and “Israel is Turning Northern Gaza into a Killing Cage” via accuracy.org.
Today’s release:
Sinwar Reported Killed in South Gaza as Israel Accelerates Genocide in North -- Interviews Available
[Israel is claiming that it killed Yahya Sinwar, who became the political head of Hamas after Israel assassinated Ismail Haniyeh in Iran in July. Jeremy Scahill notes that if he is dead, according to Israel's current narrative, he appears to have died "in combat, wearing combat gear" in the south of Gaza. Scahill notes this is totally at odds with the Israeli caricature of Sinwar holed up in a tunnel hiding behind Israeli captives.]
Dave DeCamp reports in AntiWar.com: "Israeli Soldiers Say Ethnic Cleansing Plan in North Gaza Is Underway." Earlier this month, he reported: "New Israeli Assault on North Gaza Signals Start of Ethnic Cleansing Plan."
The next step in South Africa's Genocide Convention case against Israel at the International Court of Justice is expected at the end of October.
See from Mondoweiss: "What is the ‘Generals’ Plan’? Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of northern Gaza, explained."
See from Oxfam and other groups: "Urgent joint statement: Northern Gaza is being erased – global leaders must act now to end Israel’s atrocities."
The Times of Israel reports: "Defense officials said to accuse government of seeking Gaza annexation over hostage deal."
See from a year ago on "Democracy Now": "Refaat Alareer in Gaza: Israel’s 'Barbaric' Bombardment Is Part of Ethnic Cleansing Campaign."
JOHN QUIGLEY, quigley.2@osu.edu
Professor emeritus of international law at Ohio State University, Quigley's books include The Statehood of Palestine: International Law in the Middle East Conflict (Cambridge University Press). He said today: What Israel is doing now in northern Gaza is a more brutal form of the illegal evacuation orders it issued a year ago."
Quigley wrote a piece in March breaking down the legalities of Israel's conduct for the European Journal of International Law's blog: "In Bosnia, the overall population had a physical option to flee the conditions, whereas in Gaza they did not. The Gazans, on the contrary, were being forced into the very conditions that were calculated to bring about their destruction. The most salient circumstance inflicting 'conditions of life' onto the Gaza population was the evacuation orders issued by the Israel Defense Force at various times beginning on 13 October 2023. Gazans, irrespective of age or physical condition, were ordered to depart on short notice under circumstances in which they would be deprived of means of sustenance. The World Health Organization denounced the evacuation scheme as a 'death sentence.' (WHO, "Evacuation orders by Israel to hospitals in northern Gaza are a death sentence for the sick and injured," Oct. 14, 2023). The United Nations said that the initial evacuation order, as issued to the population of northern Gaza, would have 'devastating humanitarian consequences.'...
"South Africa stated in its Application Instituting Proceedings against Israel (Application ¶61) that the initial evacuation order came shortly after Israel imposed what South Africa called a 'complete siege' that would prevent delivery of fuel, water, or food. (CNN: "Israel defense minister orders 'complete siege' of Gaza," Oct. 9, 2023). The 'conditions of life' being inflicted were such that it had to be realized that destruction result. Infrastructure was demolished by the IDF. Roads and water lines were ripped up. Residential and other structures were demolished. The Gaza population had no escape from conditions bringing destruction. South Africa was using the term 'siege' differently from its usage in warfare, where a population is surrounded and is deprived of means of sustenance as a tactic to force capitulation. In that situation, the intent is to pressure a population to surrender, not to destroy it. ...
"Whereas in Bosnia, the warnings coming from the United Nations were of ethnic cleansing, in Gaza the warnings were of death. The population was knowingly thrust into a situation from which many would not be able to survive. ... South Africa’s claims against Israel present a 'conditions of life' situation like none the International Court of Justice has seen."
The shock and horror show continues unabated. Part of the Israeli plan must be to wear us down, to demoralize those who support humanity and justice. Let us renew our commitment to never stop working for those honorable aims. The Palestinians are so strong, and steadfast. Let us not let them down. I know that we must prevail for their sake, and that is enough. But we shouldn't kid ourselves; we must also prevail for our own sake. Our species depends on our stopping the madness, as does all life on this planet.
Important documentation. I send my secular prayers to all deities that it may be used to put a definitive end to Zionism in Israel and in its puppet master, the USA.