Jun 22Liked by Sam Husseini

Members of the Biden administration should be charged with 18 U.S. Code § 1091, the law that brought the genocide convention into US law. Put this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.

They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents. Here's the best news of all, "an offense under this section, an indictment may be found, or information instituted, at any time without limitation." May they have visions of prison all the days of their lives.

The propagandists in the Mainstream Media need to be charged as well.

Let us find the way!

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Have you seen esp good pieces on this?

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https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/01/03/the-genocide-will-be-televised/ One section with some good links. I was too restrained. The perps didn’t “take the hint.” Time to throw the book at every one of them, from US citizen IOF soldiers to senior US officials who have co-authored the genocide.

—-Eric C. Jacobson

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No, but I'd like to. Seems everyone is avoiding going after them using this law. No one is writing about it. It's clear that it might not be successful, at least not during the period the current administration is in office. I'm hoping once they are out, people will be more aggressive in using this law.

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Write it up in your substack! I'd love to learn more.

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One small step for the world, boot that hyphenated UN 'diplomat' and ambassador out the door?

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Jun 22Liked by Sam Husseini

Genocide Bombers for the Empire

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No, we cannot take any delight here. It's hard to know how to respond to a US President lying to the world about a ceasefire deal with Israel. And it's hard to blame the public for being asleep at the wheel, because it's not that they are asleep, it's that they are poisoned by the lies of our electeds. This is true of Covid as well. Here we have an arrogant group of men led by Fauci literally causing the deaths of 7 million humans globally, and rather than hanging their heads down in shame, they continue to lie without regard for the fact that gain of function research has got to be stopped or next time it's likely to be far worse than Covid.

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It’s a continuation of Vietnam. The people in government who protested the war didn’t advance. Those who backed the atrocity were rewarded & advanced

Face it. Americans are pig stupid & badly educated. Otherwise, the scum discussed would be in Guantanamo Bay

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Perhaps Dante wrote his Inferno with some specific humans in mind? Will they have companionship with one another there or will it be worse than rivers of boiling blood? That's Dante stated the punishment for those in the 8th and 9th layers. And then there is Revelation 16:2-4 where it says these people are marked and what follows is a slightly different description of the seas of blood...

Sam, I'm not sure if we can keep the anger, bitterness and resentment from destroying our own spirit.

God will judge, not us. Continue to expose them while focusing on preserving your kind & brotherly spirit. That's what you're here for, and so many are delighted to have you as a resource shining the spotlights on these corrupted souls. I was letting it get to me and I had the privilege of a 'message' in the form of a license plate on a car driving by...WHYFRET I recalled Psalm 37 immediately and decided to commit it to memory so I remember WHO is in charge.

Excellent piece (byw, throwing off steam is TOTALLY acceptable....this piece is a doozy for that! ;)

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

CODEPINK alert today to write our Dept. of War to stop RIMPAC's annual attack on Hawaii and environs. All those military bases, an occupation Hawaiians want gone. Death to whales, dolphins, sea turtles. Violence against women. War games for big boys with real ships, real sailors, real destruction they gave themselves no obligation to clean up/restore. Considering the interest due on our debt already exceeds the military budget, that RIMPAC spending could close bases, restore and reconstruct environmental damage, and pay restitution. Adult dialogue and diplomacy with China, Russia, and our other self-made enemies could help save the world from nukes, and reduced profits could send a meaningful message to corporate profiteers not to mention strengthen national security.



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