Suicide Bombers for the Empire
From Gaza genocide to Covid origins -- from Biden and Blinken to Bush and Cheney and Judith Miller to Robert Garry, the Empire has loads of amoral tools and fools to do its bidding.

Many are enjoying Biden and Blinken looking “foolish” and “weak” over their contradictions in backing Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians.
And many are taking delight in a “scientist” like Robert Garry, who prominently claimed that Covid could not have lab origin, looking foolish at the recent Senate hearing.
I’m not.
Biden and Blinken are succeeding in their true purpose: Continuing to delay and stall and facilitate the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.
They are suicide bombers for the Empire. They will pay some political cost, but they advance policies, as they have done their entire careers, to advance the interests of Empire.
Most recently, as I’ve repeatedly argued, Biden’s much-hyped statement on May 31 about a ceasefire deal he claimed was from Israel got much of the US public unfocused from the issue. (The timing of Fauci’s June 3 hearing helped cap that process.) And Biden’s announcement derailed the legal process at the UN to implement the ICJ orders from South Africa’s genocide case. See my recent interview with Dimitri Lascaris.
Similarly, to even the most naive eye, Robert Garry looked pathetic at the recent hearing on Covid origins. But he wasn’t nailed sufficiently in my view. He may well have perjured himself, but more rigorous questioning would have assured it. And that would open the door to him squealing on higher ups and the entire process and institutions which create deadly pathogens and cover up the possibility that outbreaks are due to that “work”. Listen to my recent discussion with Profs. Bryce Nickels and Jay Bhattacharya from Biosafety Now! and Dr. Steven Quay, who testified at the Senate hearings. And here’s a prior discussion about Covid origins and related issues with Biosafety Now!
I recall hearing an interview with Newt Gingrich years ago after he was no longer House speaker, probably on NPR or such. The interviewer tried to taunt him because he was out as speaker and Bill Clinton survived as president. Gingrich was unfazed. He clearly said that he got his political agenda through. That was his mission.
There was a similar process with the Iraq invasion. Bush and Cheney and Scooter Libby and Judith Miller all “took a political hit”. But they got their war. These people never shed a drop of blood and never see the inside of a prison cell.
Calling such people suicide bombers is actually an insult to actual suicide bombers — people who in desperation sacrifice their own lives, killing some members of who they see as an oppressor class to address massive rage.
For these über criminals, it’s others who do the actual bleeding, the über criminals are given their privileged careers by the Empire and they are often shuffled off stage when they are no longer useful.
Which assures that such mega criminal deceptions will happen again and again with a new crop of criminals representing another tentacle of Empire. It is that cycle which must be broken.
Members of the Biden administration should be charged with 18 U.S. Code § 1091, the law that brought the genocide convention into US law. Put this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.
They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents. Here's the best news of all, "an offense under this section, an indictment may be found, or information instituted, at any time without limitation." May they have visions of prison all the days of their lives.
The propagandists in the Mainstream Media need to be charged as well.
Let us find the way!
Genocide Bombers for the Empire