Tons of people are realizing the Zionists are in control of USA and UK etc. We knew this from Epstein's work with CIA/Mafia/Mossad et al but to see it so blatant (amending the constitution re anti-semitism and other BS) is a sight to behold. Thankfully people are catching on. Zionism is being exposed for the the perpetual lies they tell, the fake history they espouse. And the genocide they visit upon Palestinians. Pogroms visited upon them since 1947.

The Zionists tie themselves to Jews on purpose so they can deflect any criticism of them to anti-semitism. This makes Jews VERY unsafe.

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To be electable Biden can’t say what he practices- that no Palestinian is safe, and no one who advocates for peace and equality is safe either, as the FBI showed at the Detroit airport. He said maybe 30 years ago that Israel should slaughter men, women and children without regard to international law. Today every lunatic, 99% of Congress all the way down to city councils, toes that line, with neighborhood destroying bombs for tent cities of the wretched of the earth, and then compete with each other to amp up the genocidal rhetoric to appear tough on crime, in reality warehouse and subjugate the resistance to oppression within cop cities in a planet of slums, which Verdant Patel would manage for Academi (Blackwater)- who as you have consistently pointed out stomp their jackbooted bipartisan feet across the face of international and domestic law.

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When you are in that room, Sam, what I want you to continue to know and actually feel is the weight of the souls and histories and character of those thousands and perhaps tens of thousands who thoroughly support you, support your message, and support your determination to force those State Department officials to own the absurdities they are choosing to defend. It is heartening to see and hear you there, refusing to allow absurdities and moral failings to go unnoticed. So please remember each time you prepare to enter that room, each time you are there, you are far from alone. As you walk in, take your seat and as you speak you are probably the most not-alone person in that room.

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What he's really saying is that without white supremacy, Jews are not safe. The creation of the state of Israel gave Jews access to whiteness in no small part due to oppressing the (brown) Palestinians. Sadly, oppressing and dehumanizing brown people is an act of "white solidarity." This is another reason that Palestine is ground zero for the future direction of humanity.

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