#ImpeachBiden. Now.
Rashida Tlaib and Thomas Massie can put up articles of impeachment against Biden right now. Or they should shut the fuck up.
Israel is slaughtering civilians by the minute in northern Gaza, including Jabaliya refugee camp, as it genocides the area more meticulously than it has before.

In the process of its attacking country after country, it’s now in a tit for tat with Iran and has come crying to the US government for help to protect its criminal enterprise from getting hit by Iran.
So, CNN reports:
US to deploy about 100 troops to operate advanced anti-missile system in Israel amid heightened tensions
US Civil Defense News, whatever that is, says:
This caused Just Foreign Policy to correctly note: “Congress never authorized sending US troops into imminent hostilities in Israel. This is a violation of the Constitution and War Powers Act of 1973.”
Prof. Francis Boyle correctly notes: “All in gross violation of the War Powers Clause of the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution—an Impeachable Act by Biden.”
So. Why aren’t Rashida Tlaib and Thomas Massie filing articles of impeachment against Biden? NOW.
Tlaib was oh-so eager to impeach Trump — “We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker” she said in 2019. And they did, twice, in the closing days of his administration, along farcical partisan lines.
Doing this — a move for an actual substantive, transpartisan impeachment together over the critical Constitutional issue of War Powers — could actually get tons of media, thought it would of course be widely attacked. And while few other members of Congress are likely to back them up, many would have to concede that it’s legally correct. And, tiny bonus: It could help prevent World War III by putting Biden and co on the defensive.
Boyle was legal adviser to Rep. Henry B. González and wrote the first draft of the González Impeachment Resolution in 1991. George H. W. Bush would later write in his memoirs about his fear of impeachment — that if the Gulf War “drags out, not only will I take the blame, but I will probably have impeachment proceedings filed against me.” (See piece below.)
Unfortunately it’s not new for members of Congress who proclaim such devotion to the Constitution and who bitch and moan about how off-track the country is to fail in their responsibilities to impeach presidents that desperately need to be impeached.
These people should start using the tools they have or they should shut the fuck up with their dissenting by posturing and speechifying and tweeting.
Indeed, Rashida Tlaib and Thomas Massie and other creatures in Congress said that Biden was acting without Congressional approval in bombing Yemen earlier this year — and did squat.
And now we have the US government bombing Yemen with B-2 Bombers.
Move now or just say you’re accepting decades of slaughter, servitude and disaster.
See my piece from February:
I'm sure that the overwhelming majority of your readership share your justifiable anger at members of congress that won't stand up to the evil being perpetuated in their name. In 1965, when Lyndon Johnson asked Congress for the authority to vastly expand our war effort in Vietnam with the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, only two senators: Mike Gravel of Alaska and Wayne Morse of Oregon had the balls to say "no." They were the only ones. And since that supposed attack on our ships off the Vietnam coast never happened, the authority granted was predicated on an out and out lie. Now, most of congress cheers for Netanyahu and the Israelis which means they're fully on board with genocide. Yes, I'm sure your readership shares your anger.
Indeed, not only Tlaib, and Massey, Omar, Lee, Sanders, and more. They should take that step to put up articles of impeachment. Do we have any insight as to why they aren't? Is it flat out fear? What can we do to persuade them we have their backs if they took that step? Or does anyone really have their backs? What kind of systems do we have to help people, in such difficult circumstances, to take the right steps? I don't have the answers, but I'm almost certain we don't have anything in place. Maybe that needs to change?